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redakcja 22 lutego 2011 Chronologiczne CV w języku angielskim.

Paul Jones
6 Pine Street
Arlington, VA  12333
555.555.5555 (home)     566.486.2222 (cell)


Key Holder, Montblanc
April 2001 - February 2005
• Opened new specialty boutique
• Placed orders to restock merchandise and handled receiving of products
• Managed payroll, scheduling, reports, email, inventory, and maintained clientele book and records
• Integrated new register functions
• Extensive work with visual standards and merchandising high-ticket items

Sales Associate, Nordstrom  - Collectors and Couture Departments
July 1999 - April 2001
• Merchandised designer women's wear
• Set-up trunk shows and attended clinics for new incoming fashion lines
• Worked with tailors and seamstresses for fittings
• Scheduled private shopping appointments with high-end customers

Jigg's Corner
February  1997 - July 1999
• Provide customer service in fast-paced bar atmosphere
• Maintain and restock inventory
• Administrative responsibilities include processing hour and tip information for payroll and closing register

Ramapo College, Arlington, Virginia

Computer Skills        
• Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Internet

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DOWIEDZ SIĘ WIĘCEJ NA TEMAT: CV curriculum vitae english
Ocena: 4,05
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PORADY: 1619    |    KOMENTARZE: 1    |    ZOBACZ PROFIL
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  • Wykwalifikowani prawnicy
    i adwokaci
  • Zrozumiały język
  • Bezpłatne pytania dodatkowe
  • Bezpłatna wycena w ciągu 2h
Polecane publikacje
ABC Rozwodu - poradnik rozwodowy
AUTOR: Wanda Książek; Mariusz Sząszor
3,00 zł

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